Manzo Dakota likes to put his ice cream in the microwave for ten seconds before eating it.
Manzo Dakota once had a girlfriend whose mother thought his name was “Bert” and described him to his girlfriend as “sleepy.” In certain circles, Manzo Dakota is also known as Sleepy Bert.
Manzo Dakota learned how to ride a motorcycle on the streets of Chinatown in New York City.
Manzo Dakota once had a beer can collection. At one point he decided they didn’t have much value and were only taking up space in his garage, so he put them out for recycling. Imagine the confusion of the garbage man who found over 300 beer cans in the recycling bin that week!
Manzo Dakota was decent at baseball as a kid until pitchers reached the age where they could throw a curveball. Manzo Dakota could not hit curveballs, and eventually stepped away from the game.
Manzo Dakota once spent the night sleeping in a closet at his sister’s house. Don’t ask why.
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