While making the drive through the Florida Keys (starting in Miami, with Key West as the end destination), day 2 of the trip found us getting hit with very hard rain, to the point where it was sometimes hard to see the road in front of us! As we were going through Islamorada, we saw some interesting shops, and decided to pop in to take a look around and hopefully let the storm pass us by.
One such shop was Ocean Gardens, which had plenty to see. The proprietor is also kind enough to have a public restroom, and in it they had this amazing octopus sink, as you can see above.
After coming out of the restroom, I had to ask about the sink, and the salesperson led me to another part of the store, where they had more to see.

Are these great, or what? I found out they are by the artist Shayne Greco, who is originally from New Jersey and now lives and works in Wilmington, North Carolina (as per his bio, here). He sells his work in retail home, art, and design stores all over the U.S. and overseas, and of course you can buy from him directly as well.
As much as I love these, I guess I would need to decide if it made sense for me, from a personal design sense, to have an octopus sink in a regular bathroom, without an ocean or underwater theme to the bathroom? Or would it make sense to have ocean creature inspired home furnishings if you don’t live near the ocean? I guess this is probably just a typical interior designer way of thinking, because as Manzo Dakota with the catchphrase “many interests, little sense,” I should allow myself to have an octopus sink whether it makes sense or not – just because! Just because it’s cool, and definitely a conversation starter.
I didn’t make a purchase – yet – but wanted to highlight these creative sinks and give a shout out to Shayne Greco, a truly talented artist. My favorite one of those pictured above is the blue one – love it!