Painting Is Obsession: graffiti in Madrid

I saw this graffiti in Madrid, accompanied by the message “Painting is Obsession.” As an artist, I agree with this sentiment! It’s hard to know if this message was written by the graffiti artist who painted the tag below it, but considering the abstract expressionist nature of the graffiti, I like them paired together for sure! This graffiti was seen near Paseo de la Florida, just northwest of the Palacio Real de Madrid (The Royal Palace of Madrid).

Here’s another interesting graffiti piece, this one by an unknown artist and also seen in the Palacio neighborhood; I think it’s very unique, with the use of lines to make the letters, giving it some depth and sense of three dimensions. As you can see, it’s quite different in style from all of the other graffiti surrounding it.

graffiti in Palacio neighborhood in Madrid, Spain.
Graffiti in the Palacio neighborhood in Madrid, Spain.

There was a lot of great street art and graffiti throughout Madrid. Here’s another one from the Palacio neighborhood, just southeast of the Royal Palace. The message on the left side, “social mente iguales,” translates to “socially equal,” and the message on the right side, “libres totalmente,” translates to “totally free.”

Street art mural in the Palacio neightborhood of Madrid, Spain.
Street art mural in the Palacio neightborhood of Madrid, Spain.

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