A ghostly face in the church window

I was walking around a Belleville (NJ) neighborhood, when I walked by this church and did a double-take. The white shape in that window, it seemed to have a suggestive shape.

If you look more-closely, as I have below left, do you see the suggestion of a forehead and brow, with the right-side eye in a shadow, and another shadow below what could be a nose in the general mouth area? How about the 3/4 angle of the torso, with a shoulder on the left with another shoulder under what could be a chin? Am I crazy, or is this a ghostly figure looking out at me from inside the church? The image below left is a straight photo; the image below right includes a little extra shading and emphasis on my behalf to better present what my naked eye is seeing. What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

ghostly face in the window
Do you see the ghost-like face in the church window?

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