Trying the Tiny House Lifestyle

examples of tiny houses

I’ve had a fascination with tiny houses for probably a couple years now, and have looked at countless pictures on social media and watched some YouTube videos and tv shows, and I’ve always thought it would be something I’d be interested in. I like the idea of minimizing my environmental impact, and certainly like the … Read more

A birthday brings thoughts about the unconventional

conceptual image of a pre-fab house in a field

I’m always glancing at Zillow and looking at different real estate options … one desire I have is to live near the ocean, but as I look, the prices and quality of housing options are always discouraging. There was recently a home with potential in Neptune City, NJ, which was within walking distance of both … Read more

Architecture in Minneapolis: The Armory Building

The Minneapolis Armory Building

I was in Minneapolis for the Christmas holiday, and took a venture downtown to look around. I didn’t have a particular destination, I was just walking around as it had been a long time since I had been downtown despite several recent visits to Minnesota to visit family. At any rate, I walked by this … Read more

The Chapel of Maria Santissima Di Montevergine

Chapel of Maria Santissima di Montevergine in Haverstraw, NY

This blog post is a continuation of my previous post titled “A road trip with no end destination in mind,” in which I hopped in my car and headed north along 9W and the Hudson River, looking for new places to explore. I left the story at the point where I was in Haverstraw, NY, … Read more