Whimsical animal sculptures at the front door in Easton, PA

animal sculptures seen in Easton, PA

I was walking around Easton, PA, exploring the West Ward on foot, when I noticed some brightly colored shapes attached to a front door of a home on Washington Street. A closer look revealed them to be small animal sculptures, and there were a number of them surrounding the front door. As you can see … Read more

Jesus on Black Velvet Painting, a missed opportunity

Jesus on black velvet painting

I was checking out an antiques store in New Paltz, New York last fall, when I saw this painting of Jesus on black velvet. It instantly grabbed my attention, as something so bad that it was good. I was completely enamored of this painting, both for the total cheese factor, and the mystifying question of … Read more

Architecture in Minneapolis: The Armory Building

The Minneapolis Armory Building

I was in Minneapolis for the Christmas holiday, and took a venture downtown to look around. I didn’t have a particular destination, I was just walking around as it had been a long time since I had been downtown despite several recent visits to Minnesota to visit family. At any rate, I walked by this … Read more

Artistic floral arrangements at art galleries

unusual sunflowers seen at Pace Gallery in NYC

When I entered Pace Gallery the other day to see the Julian Schnabel exhibition, I was immediately struck by this artistic floral arrangement at the front desk. Those aren’t your typical sunflowers, and what are the spiky balls? I wasn’t sure at first glance, but wanted to try to find out. I’m not 100% sure … Read more

Finding art by my feet on the sidewalks of NYC

found comic book page on the sidewalk in NYC

When I am in New York City and walking around, I tend to see things that grab my attention in unlikely places, whether it’s on the sidewalk, on the back of a sign, the possibilities for creative finds are endless – like this leaf and muffin wrapper that looks like a flower. I was walking … Read more