Unique ceramics at Morueco in Madrid

ceramic head at Morueco Ceramicas in Madrid

On my first day in Madrid, after getting settled and some initial exploration, I visited the ‎⁨Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza⁩, and enjoyed seeing their expansive collection of art. Afterwards, while enjoying a moment of rest and having some tapas at an outdoor restaurant, I noticed a store across the street which grabbed my attention. Between the … Read more

The Easton Assassin: Larry Holmes

Sculpture of Larry Holmes The Easton Assassin

I went to Easton, PA last spring for the Easton Arts Tour, and while this sculpture of the former heavyweight champ was not part of the tour, I did happen upon it while checking out a band and food tent set-up in Scott Park. Scott Park⁩⁦ is located in ⁩⁦Easton⁩⁦ where the Lehigh River merges … Read more

Sandstone walls and carvings by Minnehaha Falls in Minneapolis

sandstone by Minnehaha Falls in Minneapolis

One of my outings while in Minneapolis this past summer was a visit to Minnehaha Falls with a hike along the creek at the bottom of the falls. I knew from hiking this path before that there were some interesting sandstone walls along the creek where people have used their hands or sticks to carve … Read more

Octopus sink seen in the Florida Keys

octopus sink seen at a store in the Florida Keys

While making the drive through the Florida Keys (starting in Miami, with Key West as the end destination), day 2 of the trip found us getting hit with very hard rain, to the point where it was sometimes hard to see the road in front of us! As we were going through Islamorada, we saw … Read more