Octopus sink seen in the Florida Keys

octopus sink seen at a store in the Florida Keys

While making the drive through the Florida Keys (starting in Miami, with Key West as the end destination), day 2 of the trip found us getting hit with very hard rain, to the point where it was sometimes hard to see the road in front of us! As we were going through Islamorada, we saw … Read more

Heading south, eventual destination, Florida Keys

palm trees in Florida

I’ve long had an interest in the Florida Keys, the idea of a series of islands connected by a highway has intrigued me. I didn’t know much about the Florida Keys in advance of going, other than three basic concepts: 1, it’s where the Netflix drama “Bloodline” is set; 2, it’s where a former in-law’s … Read more

Honey locust pods and faces in the street

honey locust pod photo and illustration

On my travels walking around Pittsburgh, I noticed some brown pods laying in the street, and while I’ve seen these things before, I didn’t know what they were called or what they were from. A little research tells me that they’re “honey locust pods.” The honey locust tree (scientific name “gleditsia triacanthos”), is a deciduous … Read more

Sadness in the Taco District of Peekskill

figure with sombrero sculpture as seen in Peekskill, NY

On a visit to Peekskill, NY last September, I was walking down North Division Street when I noticed these seemingly sad figures crouched on the street. Then I noticed a boarded up window with the hand-written message “Taco District.” My first thought was that it was someone’s graffiti message, proclaiming this strip of Peekskill as … Read more

Mona Lisa and David on parking enforcement duty in Ellenville, NY

Mona Lisa and Michelangelo's David in Ellenville, NY

As I mentioned in my last post, I was walking around Ellenville, NY, at the suggestion of a friend who lives in nearby Wurtsboro. As I passed “Tony & Nick’s” Italian Restaurant on Canal Street, I noticed these photographic images of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and Michelangelo’s David, with David looking over at the … Read more