I was walking around the Lower East Side in New York City the other day, when I suddenly noticed Patrick Ewing’s knees behind a partially shuttered storefront. It appeared to be a life-sized cutout of the Knicks legend, but all one could see was his numbered shorts, legs, and kneepads. Even though he retired from the NBA back in 2002, I wouldn’t mind having him available to help out the Knicks tonight in Game 5 against the Pacers in the NBA Playoffs!
On a different note, there have been times where – as a fan of Patrick Ewing and the Knicks – I’ve created A.I. images with his name as a prompt, and come up with some crazy images, most of which look nothing like him. Here’s one where the A.I. image generator didn’t even bother to put him in a basketball jersey – instead, the suggestion seems to be that he’s a sheriff from a steampunk wild west who has arrived in NYC with an oddly-shaped basketball in a case, ready to restore order to the city. Makes no sense to me, but I like it as an image!