Jesus on Black Velvet Painting, a missed opportunity

Jesus on black velvet painting

I was checking out an antiques store in New Paltz, New York last fall, when I saw this painting of Jesus on black velvet. It instantly grabbed my attention, as something so bad that it was good. I was completely enamored of this painting, both for the total cheese factor, and the mystifying question of … Read more

A slightly surrealist seascape painting at an antiques store

thrift store seascape painting

I could go into any number of antiques stores and find weird, strange, and bad paintings, but every once in a while I’ll see something really good, which then begs the question: what’s the story behind this painting and the artist? I happened upon this painting in an antiques store just north of Poughkeepsie (which … Read more

Clown art and positivism

Clown art painting by Homer Costello

I was in Hastings-on-Hudson NY back in June, for the “2023 RiverArts Music Tour,” and in-between a few performances, I made my way around town into various shops and an art gallery. In one antique store, I found this clown painting by Homer Costello, and found it interesting that the tag referenced him as a … Read more